
covid 19

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covid 19

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ive never really taken the time to look at the stats of Covid 19. In reality i think i was too scared to come. face to face with the facts. now that i look at it i have to realize that theres nothing i can do. the 99 million cases. i cant solve all of them. but i can do my part in helping stop spreading it by wearing a mask and social distancing. i also never took the time to realize how much covid actually affected me and my life. back when covid was first starting out i had a friend get it. she's fine now. but with the 2.13 million deaths, she is very fortunate to not have died. i do my best to stay safe. especially because of my mom. my mom had cancer back in 2018, so her immune system isn't as strong as others and she is more likely to get it.

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This item was submitted on January 25, 2021 by ruby using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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