
Stomach Filled, Life Without Thrill

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Stomach Filled, Life Without Thrill

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With long school days and extracurriculars occupying my weekends, I spent the little time I had at home doing school work. I never truly felt I was at home enjoying time with myself or with my family because the rush of high school was not stopping anytime soon. Then, a virus wave put all our lives on pause. Some thought of quarantine as a jail cell, but I took it as a breather. Before, I was unable to see my family often or enjoy proper meals and during these past 10 months in quarantine, I have been able to make up for that lost time. I have been filled with delicious, home-cooked meals nearly 3 times a day made my mom, a passionate cook. It made me realize that providing us with whole-hearted meals was my parents' love language. Throughout quarantine, I have been living, eating, and spending time with my family in the comfort of my home. I often feel that I'm taking this precious time for granted because when things go back to normal, I won't be able to escape the rush of life. Even though my days seem static and monotonous right now, I think I will truly miss the this feeling of comfort in the future.

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This item was submitted on January 21, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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