
Corona Rules

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Corona Rules

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Ever since Corona Virus there has been many new rules and procedures that all of us have had to follow, here are my thoughts and feelings on them. One of the biggest things we have had to do is wear a mask. I feel this is totally unnecessary and not a good rule. If anything only the sick and people who are scared should wear a mask. They are very controlling and considering how not deadly the virus is they are not needed. Social distancing makes no sense at all because they say the masks work so well, then why do we need to stay apart. An example of it not making sense is on a plane. On a plane they fill it completely with people jam packed next to each other for hours, but as soon as you are getting off you have to social distance, it makes no sense. Keeping everyone shut down is not ok. People aren't able to provide for their family because of a virus that's less harmful than the flu. The people that are scared should stay home, but not everyone because the only thing that is happening, is our immune systems are growing weaker and weaker because we are not exposed to the outside germs. They are trying too hard to make us avoid sickness and they are acting like we didn't risk our health every day before the virus.

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This item was submitted on January 20, 2021 by Sammy Pacich using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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