
Covid Procedures

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Covid Procedures

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To start, I understand that these procedures were made to try to keep people as safe as possible, but some of them just don't make sense to me. As of now we can go out of the house, we can not go to restaurants, but we can go to stores, and essential businesses. My problem is that we can go into grocery stores and stay around 3 feet apart, and not go to restaurants, the legal way. Then if you go three major cities away to Las Vegas, the rules are completely different, it is almost normal, just with masks. The problem is that people should be staying home as much as possible, but with the policing not being good enough, people are getting away with still going to parties, restaurants, and other people's houses. I also think that people are just trying to get into spotlights, everyone is trying to get to the top page of the news, it sucks. Anyway, today is inauguration for Biden, so we will see what will happen, thank you for reading my archive.

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This item was submitted on January 20, 2021 by Rehan Thiagarajah using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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