The Cause of Covid
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The Cause of Covid
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The cause of Covid is currently unknown. The amount of theories is extremely large. Since it started in China, it has to be some issue there. One theory is that it was a biological weapon but I don't think that makes sense. Nothing that is this contagious, to the extent of being a world wide pandemic, would be created. It also would not be released upon the people of their own country. Another theory would be that it is from dirty markets. I personally believe that this is the most likely option. There are filthy markets in China, as well as a massive population so a pandemic starting there makes a lot of sense. It could have originated off of a dead corpse of something like a pig. That makes a lot more sense and many agree with me and this idea.
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This item was submitted on January 12, 2021 by Malachi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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