Christmas Vacation
Title (Dublin Core)
Christmas Vacation
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It was Christmas Eve. As usual I can't sleep because well you know Christmas. And I remember this was the fist time in 4 years that we had Christmas at our house. Because of covid my grandma come up from where she lived which is in San Diego. So I toss and turn and then all of the sudden my younger brother Milo opens the door and says "Its Christmas! Wake up wake up!" So I got up and realized it was Christmas, yeah it was! I walked down stairs and saw all of the presents. My grandma came over and we started I wanted an iPhone for Christmas and I wasn't sure I would get it. When it was my turn to open my gift I shook it and it made the sound that legos make so I was like ok so a lego not a phone. I opened it and it was a little box that had legos in it. Then I looked deeper in the box and there it was a phone. And that was it.
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Home & Family Life
Recreation & Leisure
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This item was submitted on January 7, 2021 by Henri Schaffer using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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