Christmas Quarantined
Title (Dublin Core)
Christmas Quarantined
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In the year of the plague, Christmas celebrations were different. Less fun, less social, and less exciting. Every year for Christmas, my family and I usually eat dinner at Buca di Beppo with family and friends. Not only would we be unable to invite family and friends, we also were not able to eat at the restaurant because all restaurants had closed recently before the holidays. Fortunately, we ate a delicious Christmas dinner that my mom made for my family and I. My mom usually never makes Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner because of our usual annual traditions, but she got the opportunity to this year because of COVID. We were still able to see my uncle, aunt, and cousins for the holidays and play white elephant with family friends. Christmas Day was very similar to last year - opening presents, eating Christmas dinner, and spending time with family. Conclusively, Christmas celebrations were different, but it wasn't too bad after all, considering my family's Christmas traditions aren't all that festive anyways.
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Text Story
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This item was submitted on January 6, 2021 by Macey Peyton using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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