
Today's Daily Thought... Semester Journal

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Today's Daily Thought... Semester Journal

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This journal entry was written as a part of the American Studies class at California High School in San Ramon, California.

I cannot believe it is already almost fall. I was thinking about it yesterday and it makes me really sad. Quarantine took so much of our normal life away, and it all just went by too fast. When I really think about it, so much has happened and changed for me over these months and some of which I wish never ended or changed. All the good times I had feel like a blur and all the rough times went by so slow. I wish I remembered more. In a usual year, I would look forward to Labor Day so much. This year I didn’t get to do what I normally do. Labor day usually comes by so slow because I just cannot wait for it to happen but this year it passed me up. Lately that has been all I could think about.

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This item was submitted on December 17, 2020 by Gabrielle Leonard using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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