
“I Ordered Takeout and I’m Outside Now!”

Title (Dublin Core)

“I Ordered Takeout and I’m Outside Now!”

Description (Dublin Core)

One of the ways that Loretta has been able to thrive is through takeout. People will call in or place orders online, and can either come in to grab their food, or pull up at curbside pickup. Takeout has been a way that people are able to support a local business during this time, and to get out of their house in a safe way. I think that future historians will find this interesting in order to learn how restaurants used takeout as a way to stay open during the pandemic, and as a way to comfort people in the community, to let them know that we are still here. Recently, we have been offering delivery if people live close enough to the restaurant.

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This item was submitted on December 16, 2020 by Emily Yurkus using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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