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After a long day of school, I check my phone to see news of a sickness spreading worldwide, Covid-19. I thought nothing of it and continued with my day. However, later that night, I would soon realize the severity. The next day after school, this virus that didn’t seem like a massive deal at the time put a sharp end to school with little to no warning. However, I soon realized this wasn’t the only thing that would come to an end football and all social events would be canceled, meaning I couldn’t even hang out with my friends during summer break without the fear of contracting the sickness to myself and my loved ones. During the first week, although this was bringing me into a sort of depression, I learned to truly take advantage of the situation with no school and nothing but time and forever be thankful for the time given to me to grow and mature independently.

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This item was submitted on December 16, 2020 by Case Eckman using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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