
NY Nurse Receives 1st Dose of COVID vaccine in U.S.

Title (Dublin Core)

NY Nurse Receives 1st Dose of COVID vaccine in U.S.

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This article shows the first coronavirus vaccine being given to a critical care nurse in NY. This is a huge milestone for the U.S. because it was the biggest effort to produce a vaccine in our history. This would be something for future historians to discover because it is so significant for the year of 2020. This has been a year of hardship for everyone and I think this vaccine is a glimmer of hope for many people. There are currently 3 million vaccinations being flown around the nation right now, hoping to help more people and save many lives.

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This is a screenshot of a photo in an article I found off Facebook, with the URL attached.

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This item was submitted on December 15, 2020 by Victoria Milotte using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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