
Thanksgiving in the year 2020

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Thanksgiving in the year 2020

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This years thanksgiving was very different than the norm. Due to COVID-19 we where not able to celebrate Thanksgiving the same. We prepared the dinner alone instead of preparing the food with my grandpa on my moms side. Also, instead of having many family members we only had both pairs of grandparents over. We were not afraid of dying from COVID-19 but we where afraid for our grandparents. I was allowed to go to school at the time with eight or so other eight graders, but I was worried to get COVID-19 from somewhere that wasn't school because I wouldn't be able to go to school in person for 14 days. Our Thanksgiving was the same in someways though like that our grandparents came over and that we ate dinner. Due to COVID-19 though, my mom and dad prepared dinner themselves. I ate some good food, even in a pandemic, I don't like turkey that much so I had a small slice but a lot of ice cream and pie, which I discovered I liked. The pie was brought over by my grandpa who was given the pie by my uncle who made the pie.

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This item was submitted on December 15, 2020 by Cooper McNee using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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