The Beginning of the Corona Virus
Title (Dublin Core)
The Beginning of the Corona Virus
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In the month of February, I was just going to school as usual and I was doing my schoolwork. I was in 7th grade before Covid-19 occurred and I was just a student at a private school. A couple of my friends were talking about this new virus and they seemed worried about it. I did not hear about this virus on the news yet, so I just thought it was already under enough control. I believed that the scientists would find a cure without delay and that there was no reason to worry. Also, I did not think that it was possible for it to spread so quickly. Soon, this virus was spreading faster than ever, and I was becoming more worried. I was afraid that it will spread in America, and I was right. I watched the news after school, and I saw that countries were shutting down and schools were closing. Then, my parents received a message about my school closing. I did not know how I felt about this and I was still in shock. After, I remembered that an indication of this virus spreading occurred to me before. It was when my friends started to discuss about this new virus way before it became a global pandemic. I should have known that life could only get worse from here. Then, the quarantine started.
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text story
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Online Learning
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This item was submitted on December 10, 2020 by Ian Izakowitz using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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