
When I realized my life was going to change...

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When I realized my life was going to change...

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It is currently February 12, 2020. I am on the plane to go to Italy for 2 weeks on an extraordinary adventure with my friends from Oaks Christian. I land in Paris at first and I see the Eiffel tower as it is my birthday today. I couldn't have imagined my 13th birthday any better than to be in Paris. I have a great week touring all over Italy and I had np idea that my life was going to change forever. As I got to the airport in Italy to go back to California, they took my temperature and I thought it was very strange because they have never done that in the past. The security guard said because a new virus is appearing and they want to be cautious. I was kind of scared but I just looked past it. Then as we were in the airport one of the people in our group started throwing up everywhere and I got really nervous that they might have this new virus. I later realized she was fine but it was still scary. When I landed back into California, they I couldn't go to school for 2 whole weeks because the quarantined me because I was in Italy. I looked on my phone at the news and realized that Italy is surging with coronavirus cases. I ended up not have COVID-19 but it was still a time in my life I will never forget.

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This item was submitted on December 10, 2020 by Faith O'Daniel using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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