
New Normal.

Title (Dublin Core)

New Normal.

Description (Dublin Core)

Everyday life seems to change with every month of the development of COVID, and a good chunk of the population needs to continue learning and educating during this time. Universities and colleges as well as high schools and other education facilities are being greatly impacted by the spread of COVID. At Wentworth, and other campuses, mobile testing hubs expect students to participate in weekly to twice weekly testing to contain any outbreaks as well as to ensure everyone is acting safely while on campus. College friends understand the reality of not seeing each other outside of class or beyond a face shield or zoom screen; it is the ‘new normal’. For some who do not believe in the virus’s effects, parties and extracurricular activities still go on to the dismay of others. For many students, especially those on campus, it is important to be cautious, to see loved ones during the holidays but also to keep those more at risk safe.

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This item was submitted on December 7, 2020 by Jake Picariello using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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