
Using Early American History to Interpret 2020 - HIS103 Final Project Assignment


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Using Early American History to Interpret 2020 - HIS103 Final Project Assignment

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This is the assignment instructions for the final project for HIS 103 (United States History to 1877) at Niagara University. Students have written essays about how contemporary people use early American history to influence their interpretations of 2020- The Plague Year.

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Using Early American History to Interpret 2020 - HIS103 Final Project Assignment Linked Data Text
Use of History in Memes Linked Data Interactive Resource
Roman Wright American history final reflection paper Linked Data Interactive Resource
American History's influence on Current events Linked Data Interactive Resource
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The Long Arm of History Linked Data Interactive Resource
2020 Problems from the past Linked Data Text
History, Then and Now Linked Data Interactive Resource
Connecting the Past to the Present Linked Data Interactive Resource

This item was submitted on December 7, 2020 by Marissa C. Rhodes using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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