
GoToトラベル 来年中ごろまで延長する方針(2020年12月3日)- GoTo Travel, extend until mid-next year (December 3, 2020)

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GoToトラベル 来年中ごろまで延長する方針(2020年12月3日)- GoTo Travel, extend until mid-next year (December 3, 2020)

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Go To travel has been something I’ve been submitting to this archive. In order to boost up the economy, Japan has supported people who will be traveling by paying up to half of the traveling fee. Personally, this I think really caused the second wave of COVID-19 in Japan, but people still want to travel because it is cheap using the government’s support.

最大で旅行代金の半額相当が支援されるGoToトラベルについて、政府は来年中ごろまで延長する方針を固めました。  GoToトラベルはこれまで1月までの旅行を対象としていましたが、政府関係者によりますと、これを来年中ごろまで延長する方針で、8日に取りまとめる緊急経済対策に盛り込むことにしています。ただ、Go Toトラベルが終わった際に旅行の需要が激減することを防ぐため、現在、最大で35%となっている割引率を段階的に引き下げることや受け取ることができる地域共通クーポンの金額の見直しなどを検討するということです。

The government has decided to extend Go To Travel, which supports up to half the travel price, until mid-next year. Go To Travel has been targeted for travel until January, but according to government officials, it is planned to extend this until the middle of next year, and it will be included in the emergency economic measures to be summarized on the 8th. However, in order to prevent the demand for travel from dropping drastically when Go To Travel is over, they will gradually reduce the discount rate, which is currently up to 35%, and review the amount of regional coupons that can be received.

Video translated by Youngbin Noh

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This item was submitted on December 3, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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