
東京、大阪、札幌、名古屋“時短”全飲食店に協力金(2020年11月27日) - Cooperation money for all restaurants in Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, and Nagoya (November 27, 2020)

Title (Dublin Core)

東京、大阪、札幌、名古屋“時短”全飲食店に協力金(2020年11月27日) - Cooperation money for all restaurants in Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, and Nagoya (November 27, 2020)

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In order to take measures for COVID-19, the Prime Minister will help restaurants if they reduce the hours open. However, by Japanese law, they cannot force this rule. All the measures taken are always, “We would like you to follow” and it depends on how the citizens act instead of the government’s rule.

菅総理大臣は新型コロナウイルス対策として東京、大阪などの各都市で今週末から営業時間を短縮したすべての飲食店に協力金を支給する方針を表明しました。  菅総理大臣:「札幌市、東京都、大阪市、名古屋市でも飲食店の時間短縮を今週末から行う。時間短縮に協力するすべての店舗に対して国としてしっかり支援をしていきたい」  また、感染拡大地域の保健所に派遣する保健師などの専門職について「これまでの倍の1200人を確保した」と明らかにしました。そのうえで、「3週間が極めて重要な時期だ」と強調し、マスクの着用など感染防止対策の徹底を呼び掛けました。

Prime Minister Suga has announced a policy to provide cooperation money to all restaurants whose business hours have been shortened from this weekend in cities such as Tokyo and Osaka as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus. Prime Minister Suga: "We will shorten the time for restaurants in Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya from this weekend. We would like to support all the stores that cooperate in shortening the time as a country." Regarding professional occupations such as public health nurses dispatched to health centers in areas where the infection has spread, he said, "We have secured 1,200 people, twice as many as before." Based on his comments, he emphasized that "three weeks is an extremely important time," and called for thorough infection prevention measures such as wearing masks.

Video translated by Youngbin Noh

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