
“新型コロナ”分科会会長「札幌『ステージ3』か」(2020年11月20日) - Chairman of the "New Corona" Subcommittee "Sapporo" Stage 3 "?" (November 20, 2020)

Title (Dublin Core)

“新型コロナ”分科会会長「札幌『ステージ3』か」(2020年11月20日) - Chairman of the "New Corona" Subcommittee "Sapporo" Stage 3 "?" (November 20, 2020)

Description (Dublin Core)


Mr. Omi, chairman of the government's new coronavirus control subcommittee, expressed his personal opinion about Sapporo of Hokkaido, where the infection is spreading, that he may be in "stage 3". He explained that he recommended a review of the GoTo Travel Campaign, which will lead to early sedation of the infection and, as a result, less financial damage." He also pointed out that "the number of cases where people are aware of the symptoms of infection but do not get tested is increasing," and once again called for an early checkup if symptoms occur.

Video translated by Youngbin Noh

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This item was submitted on November 20, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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