Virtually Adjusting
Title (Dublin Core)
Virtually Adjusting
Description (Dublin Core)
COVID has absolutely been a challenge time for everyone and has required patience, flexibility and resiliency. Personally, I had to make room for multiple adjustments during my transition to Northeastern. First semester I was supposed to study abroad, however, was unable to due to the current circumstances. Now, once in Boston I had to continue my studies via Zoom. While I did experience this briefly last spring, it was to a much smaller extent. Currently, I am learning how to balance this transition to a new city and new life with academics and learning how to fully interact with a class virtually. While difficult, it also has taught me many valuable skills that I otherwise would have disregarded. The biggest struggle for me has been cultivating relationships with teachers and peers without being in the same room or even city as them. Additionally, keeping track of assignments, class times and zoom links has been a difficult process that has sometimes caused me to submit a paper after its due date or miss a lesson entirely. However, office hours have been a incredible way to connect with my professors and clarify any questions or issues I may have. Although my experience with COVID has been anything but easy, I have been able to gain some valuable skills and lessons from this event. I now feel more adequately prepared to potentially face any issues I face both virtually and in-person during my time at Northeastern and beyond. The attached photo is from a trip I took to Seaport with a friend and reminds me that although much of my life takes place online, I am in a new city with new friends and still have tons of things to experience and learn.
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This item was submitted on November 17, 2020 by Claire Reilly using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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