
札幌で感染拡大続く 外出・往来の自粛要請へ(2020年11月17日) - Continued spread of infection in Sapporo: Request to refrain from going out and coming and going (November 17, 2020)

Title (Dublin Core)

札幌で感染拡大続く 外出・往来の自粛要請へ(2020年11月17日) - Continued spread of infection in Sapporo: Request to refrain from going out and coming and going (November 17, 2020)

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Hokkaido, a region up north of Japan, has been having increased number of cases. A lot of people are saying this is happening because it is cold there.

新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が続いている北海道では17日から札幌市の警戒ステージを引き上げ、不要不急の外出自粛などを要請します。  北海道・鈴木直道知事:「明確な減少傾向にしていくためには、さらに強いお願いをしなければならない」  札幌市・秋元克広市長:「不要不急の外出の自粛をお願いするなども含めてさらに強い対策を取って行く必要があるのではないか」  北海道では16日も189人の感染が確認され、このうち札幌市では124人と感染拡大が続いています。鈴木知事と札幌市の秋元市長は札幌市の警戒ステージを「4相当」に引き上げ、感染リスクが回避できない場合、「札幌市内での不要不急の外出自粛」や「札幌市と他地域との往来自粛」を要請する方針で合意しました。道は17日午後、対策会議を開いて正式決定します。

In Hokkaido, where the infection of the new coronavirus continues to spread, they decided to raise the alert stage of Sapporo City from the 17th and request that we refrain from going out unnecessarily. Governor Naomichi Suzuki of Hokkaido: "In order to make a clear downward trend, we must make a stronger policy." Mayor of Sapporo City, Katsuhiro Akimoto: "Furthermore, we will be asking people to refrain from going out unnecessarily. It may be necessary to take strong measures.” In Hokkaido, 189 people were confirmed to be infected on the 16th, of which 124 people continued to spread in Sapporo City. Governor Suzuki and Mayor Akimoto of Sapporo City raised the alert stage of Sapporo City to "equivalent to 4", and if the risk of infection cannot be avoided, they have agreed on agreed on a policy of requesting "self-restraint from traffic" to "refrain from going out unnecessarily in Sapporo City" or "Sapporo City and other areas". The policy for the roads will be officially decided by holding a countermeasure meeting on the afternoon of the 17th.

Video translated by Youngbin Noh

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This item was submitted on November 16, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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