新型コロナワクチン開発 米モデルナ「94.5%効果」(2020年11月17日) - Development of new corona vaccine US Moderna "94.5% effect" (November 17, 2020)
Title (Dublin Core)
新型コロナワクチン開発 米モデルナ「94.5%効果」(2020年11月17日) - Development of new corona vaccine US Moderna "94.5% effect" (November 17, 2020)
Description (Dublin Core)
アメリカのバイオテクノロジー企業「モデルナ」は開発中の新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、「94.5%の効果が得られた」とする臨床試験の暫定的な結果を発表しました。 モデルナは16日、ワクチン開発の最終段階となる大規模な臨床試験の結果を発表しました。新型コロナウイルスに対して「ワクチンが94.5%の確率で効果を示した」としています。アメリカではファイザー社のワクチンでも「90%以上」の有効性が確認されていて、来月中にも両社のワクチンの緊急使用が始まる可能性が出てきました。ただ、このタイプのワクチンは低温で保存・運搬する必要があるなど課題も残されています。日本政府はモデルナと2500万人分のワクチン供給を受ける契約を結んでいます。
American biotechnology company "Moderna" has announced the preliminary results of a clinical trial that "94.5% of the effect was obtained" for the new coronavirus vaccine under development.
On the 16th, Moderna announced the results of a large-scale clinical trial, which is the final stage of vaccine development. "The vaccine has a 94.5% chance of being effective against the new coronavirus," he said. In the United States, Pfizer's vaccine has been confirmed to be "90% or more" effective, and it is possible the emergency use of both companies' vaccines will begin by the end of next month. However, there are still issues with this type of vaccine, such as the need to store and transport it at low temperatures. The Japanese government has a contract with Moderna to receive vaccines for 25 million people.
Video translated by Youngbin Noh
American biotechnology company "Moderna" has announced the preliminary results of a clinical trial that "94.5% of the effect was obtained" for the new coronavirus vaccine under development.
On the 16th, Moderna announced the results of a large-scale clinical trial, which is the final stage of vaccine development. "The vaccine has a 94.5% chance of being effective against the new coronavirus," he said. In the United States, Pfizer's vaccine has been confirmed to be "90% or more" effective, and it is possible the emergency use of both companies' vaccines will begin by the end of next month. However, there are still issues with this type of vaccine, such as the need to store and transport it at low temperatures. The Japanese government has a contract with Moderna to receive vaccines for 25 million people.
Video translated by Youngbin Noh
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Screenshot, video
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Health & Wellness
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This item was submitted on November 16, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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