
ChongQing on National Day

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ChongQing on National Day

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The National Day is the longest holiday in China, and usually, everyone likes to take the opportunity to go out and take a tour to another city. After months of quarantine and lockdown, the data showed that people were desperate to take some fresh air and the volume of travelers reached 5 hundred million this year. This is a photo of the QianSiMen Bridge in the city of ChongQing, it was under lockdown and forbid cars to pass through so travelers could take a walk on the bridge and see the Cityview at night. The bridge was full of people and the policies only allowed one-way on each side of the bridge to control the flow and avoid chaos.

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This item was submitted on November 12, 2020 by Dongfang Chen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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