
Pets in the Pandemic

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Pets in the Pandemic

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It’s been difficult not seeing friends and family, but one stalwart of this year has been Gracie: my beautiful four-legged companion. Gracie’s been a source of much needed support this year, accompanying me on my daily allotted exercise and stopping for regular belly rubs. She’s cut through the pandemonium and provided me with a constant supply of love and laughter. I think pets have outperformed themselves this year, especially when human connection has been sparse due to restrictions. ‘History from below’ might not literally mean below knee-level, but I think considering the experience of pets during the pandemic will be a valuable avenue of historical enquiry.

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Photos of Gracie & I

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This item was submitted on November 9, 2020 by Joseph Moorhead using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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