Jewish Melbourne: Fella Hamilton makes PPE
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Jewish Melbourne: Fella Hamilton makes PPE
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The Australian Jewish News reported on Fella Hamilton making PPE: "WITH delays of several weeks in the arrival of imported masks, surgical gowns and scrubs to manage COVID-19, an Australian garment label founded by a Holocaust survivor has stepped up, converting its facilities to manufacture Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) wearables.
The Fella Hamilton company has responded to an Australian government call for factories to retool to make products that help the fight against COVID-19.
Sharon Hamilton, CEO, and her husband David, son of founder Fella Hamilton, decided to take action, switching fashion wear production at their Melbourne factory to PPE products."
"Sharon said Jewish doctors have helped the company design isolation gowns now in use at Cabrini Health Australia and other private hospitals in Melbourne, and a WA aged-care provider."
The Fella Hamilton company has responded to an Australian government call for factories to retool to make products that help the fight against COVID-19.
Sharon Hamilton, CEO, and her husband David, son of founder Fella Hamilton, decided to take action, switching fashion wear production at their Melbourne factory to PPE products."
"Sharon said Jewish doctors have helped the company design isolation gowns now in use at Cabrini Health Australia and other private hospitals in Melbourne, and a WA aged-care provider."
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This item was submitted on November 3, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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