Jewish Melbourne: FOJAM's best of 5780
Title (Dublin Core)
Jewish Melbourne: FOJAM's best of 5780
Description (Dublin Core)
Festival of Jewish Art and Music (FOJAM) produced a 'Best of 5780' list: "Without getting too heavy and nostalgic for the year that has passed, 5780 has been uh pretty challenging. But hey, Jews never expect anything to be easy. We want meaning and enrichment more than anything else right? That's why we love our arts!
This last six months has really felt like we have a community of people surrounding us and we are feeling good going into 5781.
We have created a Best of 5780 (Hebrew calendar year) for you to consume over the high holidays and hopefully you come back rejuvenated and inspired."
This last six months has really felt like we have a community of people surrounding us and we are feeling good going into 5781.
We have created a Best of 5780 (Hebrew calendar year) for you to consume over the high holidays and hopefully you come back rejuvenated and inspired."
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This item was submitted on November 3, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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