
Jewish Melbourne: Project High Holy Days shofar blowing

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Jewish Melbourne: Project High Holy Days shofar blowing

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For Rosh Hashanah 2020, Project High Holy Days coordinated with DHHS and the Police and organised for people to hear the shofar being blown on their street or outside their home on Second Day Rosh Hashanah. They put out a call for people to sign up to hear the shofar and then coordinated shofar blowers.
As they explained:
"Volunteer Shofar blowers have been allocated zones which comprise of a few streets (which they will walk up and down). In locations where Jewish population is more sparse and there were fewer volunteers available, the DHHS has created a protocol for creating shofar blowing central points. Like the home reservations, these points require registration and have specific time locations.
Times of volunteers arriving in your area will be emailed to you (if you reserved). If you did not book a shofar blowing, please listen out for the shofar and come out to the street as the shofar blower will blow multiple times on each street."

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This item was submitted on November 1, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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