
Dorm list upgrade: Masks are the new essential item to bring to college

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Dorm list upgrade: Masks are the new essential item to bring to college

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My dorm list for my first year of St. Mary’s consisted of the usual: bed sheets, towels, and-masks? The new normal of college is needing as many masks as you can get. The picture attached are 50 masks I had to buy, and I couldn’t even buy them at a store since they were sold out. Masks becoming the new college essential is a complete change and was unheard of a year ago. What's more interesting is masks becoming a new way to express yourself. While some students like myself choose disposable masks we have others who are showing off their school pride with their St. Mary's masks as well as masks that showcase their interests and hobbies.

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This item was submitted on October 31, 2020 by Katelyn Espinoza using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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