No Covid Relief Bill Until After the Election?
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No Covid Relief Bill Until After the Election?
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In a letter to house Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi cites Mitch McConnell and the White House for its failure to pass another Covid relief bill. Personally, I do not know if America will ever see another bill regardless of who wins the election. In Pelosi's letter she said, "For a long time now, Congressional Democrats have laid out a strategic plan to crush the virus. The White House and Mitch McConnell have resisted, and on Sunday, Mark Meadows told us why saying 'We’re not going to control the pandemic... From 'hoax' to hundreds of thousands dead, the White House has failed miserably — not by accident, but by decision, now we know why they resisted science at the expense of lives, livelihoods and the life of our democracy. Again, it was a decision to do so."
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This item was submitted on October 27, 2020 by Patrick Pagnozzi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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