
Store Shutdowns

Title (Dublin Core)

Store Shutdowns

Description (Dublin Core)

March 13, 2020 started off a normal day. I went to school and listened to all the conversations about COVID and possible school shutdowns. After school my friends and I went to Target but little did I know that the next time I would visit a store would be completely different. A few days later I went to the grocery store with my family. It was a shocking sight when I walked in and seen everyone with a mask on and shelves completely empty. It was like an apocalypse was among us. Everyone was running rampid, pushing their carts as fast as possible and had a mask on all in the process. I had to feel everything through my rubber gloves and had a hard time smelling anything through my mask. Our new normal is wearing mask, social distancing and putting on hand sanitizer every second possible. This is important to share because it shows how COVID has shaped the way we live today.

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Personal Experience/Story

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This item was submitted on October 26, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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