新型コロナ第2波が深刻のパリ 夜間外出禁止が開始(2020年10月18日) - Paris, where the second wave of the new corona is serious, curfew begins (October 18, 2020)
Title (Dublin Core)
新型コロナ第2波が深刻のパリ 夜間外出禁止が開始(2020年10月18日) - Paris, where the second wave of the new corona is serious, curfew begins (October 18, 2020)
Description (Dublin Core)
新型コロナウイルスの第2波が深刻なフランスのパリで17日に新たな対策として夜間外出禁止が始まり、最初の夜を迎えました。 パリやマルセイユなど9つの地域で17日、午後9時から午前6時までの外出が仕事の場合などを除いて禁止されました。罰金は約1万7000円です。 レストランの店員:「これを見て下さい。普段ならまだ営業は続いているはずなのにもう閉店です。きょうからは8時に営業をやめて8時半には片付けです」 犬の散歩をするパリ市民:「散歩はしていいんです。ロックダウン時と同じ外出許可書を持って犬を散歩しています」 ヨーロッパでは17日、3万2427人の新規感染者を記録したフランスのほか、イタリア、ベルギーでも過去最多を記録するなど感染拡大が深刻です。
In Paris, France, where the second wave of the new coronavirus is serious, the curfew began as a new measure on the 17th, and the first night after this rule applied started.
In nine areas such as Paris and Marseille, going out from 9 pm to 6 am on the 17th was prohibited except when working. The fine is about 17,000 yen (160USD).
Restaurant clerk: "Look at this. It's closed even though it should be open normally. From today, it will be closed at 8 o'clock and will be cleaned up at 8:30."
Pedestrian walking dog: "You’re allowed to take a walk. I am walking my dog with the same outing permit as when I was locked down."
In Europe, on the 17th, in addition to France, which recorded 32,427 newly infected people, Italy and Belgium also recorded high numbers, and the spread of infection is serious.
In Paris, France, where the second wave of the new coronavirus is serious, the curfew began as a new measure on the 17th, and the first night after this rule applied started.
In nine areas such as Paris and Marseille, going out from 9 pm to 6 am on the 17th was prohibited except when working. The fine is about 17,000 yen (160USD).
Restaurant clerk: "Look at this. It's closed even though it should be open normally. From today, it will be closed at 8 o'clock and will be cleaned up at 8:30."
Pedestrian walking dog: "You’re allowed to take a walk. I am walking my dog with the same outing permit as when I was locked down."
In Europe, on the 17th, in addition to France, which recorded 32,427 newly infected people, Italy and Belgium also recorded high numbers, and the spread of infection is serious.
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This item was submitted on October 19, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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