
Prisons and Jails Are Rolling Back Free Phone Calls

Title (Dublin Core)

Prisons and Jails Are Rolling Back Free Phone Calls

Description (Dublin Core)

When Covid-19 hit the US many things shutdown including the nation's prisons. Of course they kept taking in people for incarceration but they no longer allowed visitors. This made connection to the outside world through phone calls even more important. What many people don't know is that each phone call an incarcerated person makes costs money, a lot of money. In the beginning of the pandemic many jails and prisons offered free phone calls, in the case they were even allowing phone calls (that's another story) but as the pandemic has continued for nearly eight months phone calls are no longer free or reduced cost. This is an undue burden on a population that is facing high unemployment.

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prison policy initiative

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This item was submitted on September 30, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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