
The Real Pandemic: How America Believed The Coronavirus Proved the Existence of Educational Inequity

Title (Dublin Core)

The Real Pandemic: How America Believed The Coronavirus Proved the Existence of Educational Inequity

Description (Dublin Core)

Several articles seek to expand the conversation of educational inequity during the pandemic in New York City public schools, however many exclude key aspects of inequality that predate the pandemic. This narrative acknowledges and challenges notions that use the pandemic to explain the inequality. It is not only my personal experience throughout the pandemic, but also the experiences around public education of me, my students, and co-workers. Amplifying the necessity for leadership, mental health, and technology to combat the concerns of racial and class retraumatization, the aspiration and achievement gap, and other aspects of inequity. In this analysis, we transform ideas about inequality in relation to [rather than caused by] the pandemic and challenge readers to think about solutions in a different way.
Undergraduate Political Science and Philosophy Major

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Brooklyn College

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