Altered 9/11 tributes underway as U.S. grapples with coronavirus pandemic
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Altered 9/11 tributes underway as U.S. grapples with coronavirus pandemic
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The anniversary of 9/11 is a complicated occasion in a maelstrom of a year, as the US grapples with a health crisis, searches its soul over racial injustice, and prepares to choose a leader to chart a path forward. While many communities have canceled the 9/11 memorial events, many carried on with modifications. It's important to take a minute and remember the events that happened nineteen years ago. It's a time of reflection and remembrance at a time when nothing seems to be going right, we can be thankful for what we do have; starting with our lives. This year looks far different than previous years; commemoration ceremonies are filled with people wearing masks and standing six feet away from each other, but there is one aspect that has not changed, and that's the message of hope. We are reminded that we are one nation, though the good and bad, regardless of politics, social status, and race. We are Americans, we are strong, and we will persevere.
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This item was submitted on September 11, 2020 by Angelica Ramos using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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