
Will the Florida Theatre's Darkened Stages and Empty Seats Survive Covid?

Title (Dublin Core)

Will the Florida Theatre's Darkened Stages and Empty Seats Survive Covid?

Description (Dublin Core)

One of the oldest performing arts venues in Jacksonville, Florida, is the Florida Theatre, which over time has been an opera house, a movie theater, and a venue for concerts and plays. Even though under Florida law, they can reopen at 50% capacity, the layout of the theater is so small they could only operate at 25% capacity to maintain social distancing. Because of this, they have to remain closed as 25% capacity is not financially viable enough to open the theater. The Florida Theatre is a building rich in local history, and in the past they have stayed open to the public because of the concerts they host. Not only that, it is a major local employer, employing people directly and also contracting work from other local businesses.

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News article

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Boston Globe

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This item was submitted on September 2, 2020 by Elizabeth Sconyers using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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