
Sound and Street Art in San Francisco


Title (Dublin Core)

Sound and Street Art in San Francisco

Description (Dublin Core)

A regional street art movement is bringing life and culture to San Francisco's empty streets during the COVID-19 pandemic. SF Symphony Associate Principal Bass, Dan Smith, is contributing to the movement by adding sound. In this video, Smith plays Adam Ben Ezra's "Can't Stop Running" in front of a variety of street art installments in San Francisco's Hayes Valley. As a former San Francisco resident, the sound produced by Smith, coupled with the art, feels exactly like the "City by the Bay." Art and culture are the heartbeat of San Francisco. And they remain alive and well during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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This item was submitted on August 29, 2020 by Shanna Gagnon using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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