
One Journalist Is Chronicling San Quentin’s Huge COVID-19 Outbreak—While Locked Inside

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One Journalist Is Chronicling San Quentin’s Huge COVID-19 Outbreak—While Locked Inside

Description (Dublin Core)

One inmate at San Quentin Prison in California has been keeping his press contacts apprised of the situation during the pandemic via letters, many written on a typewriter. Kevin Sawyer, serving a sentence of 48 years to life is also the prisons newspaper editor, though operations stopped in March when prisons in the state went on lockdown in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. He wrote 8,000 words during just the first seven weeks of the pandemic. His goal is to document what is happening inside the prison during the pandemic.
incarceration, prison, San Quentin, San Francisco Bay Area, journalist, inmate, writing, documenting history

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Mother Jones

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This item was submitted on August 7, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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