
Viral Spread: A Snapshot of Kansas Coronavirus Cases

Title (Dublin Core)

Viral Spread: A Snapshot of Kansas Coronavirus Cases

Description (Dublin Core)

This screenshot taken on August 5, 2020, captures the virus's spread in the state of Kansas as of that date, with Johnson and Wyandotte Counties ("JO" and "WY"/Kansas City, KS, metro-area), along with Sedgwick County ("SG"/Wichita), leading the state in total number of cases. The two graphs depict the virus's course throughout the spring and summer of 2020, revealing its early rise, decline, and accelerated summer surge. Together, these screenshots offer a snapshot of the effects of a patchwork response and quick reopening, and how quickly virus cases spread as a result.

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This item was submitted on August 5, 2020 by Aaron Peterka using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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