
Katrina Beattie Oral History, 2020/07/12


Title (Dublin Core)

Katrina Beattie Oral History, 2020/07/12

Description (Dublin Core)

Lawson Miller of Tooele, Utah conducts an interview with Katrina Beattie of Lancaster, California. In this interview, Katrina explains how the pandemic has affected her job as a teacher, her role as a mother, and the impact of Covid-19 on her family and community. Katrina expresses her hopes for the future and offers insight about the local, state, and federal government response to the pandemic.

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Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Lawson Miller

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Katrina Beattie

Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


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Duration (Omeka Classic)


Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Transcript of Interview with Katrina Beattie by Lawson Miller
Interviewee: Katrina Beattie
Interviewer: Lawson H. Miller
Location (Interviewee): Tooele, Utah
Location (Interviewer): Lancaster, California
Transcriber: Sally Velez

LM 00:03
All right, what is the date and time?

KB 00:06
It is July 12 2020, at one o'clock standard, a Pacific Standard Time.

LM 00:16
Okay, and what is your name? And what are the primary things you do on a day to day basis?

KB 00:22
My name is Katrina Beatty, and I'm a teacher. I'm a mother um, I love to cook. I love to read, and I love to watch movies.

LM 00:35
Okay, and where do you live?

KB 00:39
I live in Lancaster, California. And it is the desert region outside of LA. It is hot at the moment.

LM 00:52
What is it like to live there?

KB 00:55
It is hot. It's mandated that we're still wearing all the masks, because it's LA County. So there's much stricter restrictions with regard to, to the to the COVID virus.

LM 01:14
When you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it?

KB 01:20
My, my thoughts were that it's very terrible for places like China, and other places that were going through what was happening with, with the virus, but I did not think that it was gonna end up being a global, global pandemic. Obviously, my thoughts have changed now, since it has been has affected has affected people globally.

LM 01:49
What issues have most concerned you about the pandemic?

KB 01:55
Most concerning, how are the the economic and social implications. The diminishment of the middle class. Is what scares me the most.

LM 02:09
Has COVID-19 affected your job?

KB 02:13
Yes, I currently have been doing the virtual teaching. I have not been in the classroom. That may change when I start back up in fall. But it will be different kind of different kind of setting. If we go back and fall.

LM 02:34
Has your employment status changed at all?

KB 02:38
No, my employment status has not changed.

LM 02:42
What concerns do you have about the effects of COVID-19 on your employment and the economy more broadly?

KB 02:53
I, I have very, very big concerns about the economy on a broad spectrum. I believe that with, with the stimulus packages and the other bailouts. Our own our own country's debt is just skyrocketing. And, you know, that does bad for the stock market and just trickles down to, to everyone else. So on on my employ- employment at the moment, I think I'm pretty secure. But, you know, anything could happen in this time.

LM 03:31
Has the COVID 19 pandemic affected the employment of people, you know?

KB 03:36
in many ways, I've had quite a few of my friends, maybe 50% of my friends and family been laid off because of it.

LM 03:48
How has COVID-19 affected you and your family's day to day activities?

KB 03:54
Definitely have done lots of board games and in house activities. Rather than going out and going to museums or, or, or beaches or other kinds of things that are out outdoors especially during the summer.

LM 04:14
How are you managing day to day activities in your household?

KB 04:17
I try my best I think everyone seems to get on they're getting on each other's toes sometimes with being cooped up. But I seem, I've always been pretty, pretty good at it scheduling what I need to do and accomplishing that.

LM 04:37
Has the COVID 19 outbreak affected how you associate and communicate with friends and family?

KB 04:43
Definitely lots, lots more phone calls rather than seeing, seeing friends and family. But I don't think that we really saw our friends and family too much to begin with. So maybe not too much. Maybe it hasn't affected too much. Because of the COVID-19 too much.

LM 05:04
what has been the biggest challenges that you have faced during the COVID 19 outbreak?

KB 05:10
I guess just, just the fear, the fear of what what's going on in the world has been a big challenge and been a big stressor for myself.

LM 05:25
What have you, your family and friends done for recreation during COVID-19?

KB 05:31
Um, TV shows, board games, dominoes, scrabble, books, just in in house things, taking walks, and stuff like that.

LM 05:48
Okay, how has COVID ninet- How has the COVID 19 outbreak affected your community and such as school, club church, job? You're welcome to speak about all these.

KB 06:02
Um, is. I guess as far as my job goes. A lot of a lot of my coworkers are I don't think they're doing too well being outside of the classroom. Getting anxious to getting back in where I think a lot of my other co workers are very upset about the part that they're going to be exposed or if they're going to be exposed during the fall. So it seems to be a you're either on one side of the spectrum or the other.

LM 06:33
Have you seen the people around you change their opinions, day to day activities, or relationships in response to the pandemic?

KB 06:42
No, not really, I think that the people that are are taking it very, very seriously are still taking it very seriously. And in contrast, the people who are skeptical of of, of the pandemic seem to continue to keep that mentality.

LM 07:02
Self isolation and flattening the curve had been two key ideas that have emerged during the pandemic. How have you, your family, friends, and community responded to requests to self isolate and flatten the curve?

KB 07:17
Most of the time unless we we go someplace where it's we have to pick up a lot of heavy stuff. Only one person goes to the grocery store, tried to stay tried to stay within in the four people in my household, rarely have have friends or family over, especially during those those few isolation months. We didn't have. Have anyone over, see anyone.

LM 07:47
Has COVID-19 changed your relationships with family, friends, and community?

KB 07:53
No, no.

LM 07:56
Have you or anybody you know, gotten sick during the COVID 19 outbreak?

KB 08:03
Yes, I've gotten sick a few other people have gotten sick. I think there definitely is. That fear especially from the people that are already scared of it. They can maybe be melodramatic about 'oh my gosh, I may have it' so it's it's just a very scary time. It's hard. Because because it's a sickness that that affects your respiratory system. It and is kind of common to the common cold. But I think there's definitely especially during the fall gonna be a lot of of scares of 'I may have it.'

LM 08:48
In what ways do you think the COVID-19 is affecting people's mental and or physical health?

KB 08:54
I think it's not natural for people to be cooped up for this amount of time to not be not be allowed to be socia,l to not go and do the the normal, normal weekend things that people would go out and do. I think that that puts a lot of stress on on people's mental and physical health.

LM 09:21
What have been your primary sources of news during the pandemic?

KB 09:26
I always watch Fox News, but I've been doing more other articles online for different types of research.

LM 09:41
Okay. What do you think are important issues that the media may is or is not covering?

KB 09:49
I think that that the media should should be presenting the Coronavirus in a little bit positive, more positive light in order to at least not eliminate, but I don't think the fear should be eliminated or else we wouldn't be worried about the whole situation. But at least to make people a little bit more comfortable on on what's going on, so that there isn't this, this, this complete wave of scare and terror.

LM 10:28
How have municipal leaders and government officials in your community responded to the outbreak?

KB 10:36
They seem to be wishy washy and want to shut down or shut down and did stay at home orders and then open things back up. And then a week or two later had to close everything back down. So, again, maybe not be doing the right things or be doing the right things too soon.

LM 11:01
Do you have any thoughts on how local, state, or federal leaders are responding to the crisis differently?

KB 11:09
I, I think again, but they should be projecting more of this serious everyone needs to be working together, but subsiding, a lot of the crazed fear that is going on.

LM 11:29
Has your experience transformed how you think about your family, friends, and community?

KB 11:35
No, I don't think so. I think everyone has the right to make up their own opinion about what's going on right now. And we're all different to begin with. And I think that we should all be respecting the person who has not left their house in, in six months, and we should also be respecting the people who have tried to continue to live their life in the way, in the manner that they that they used to, or at least in the best way possible.

LM 12:16
How does this pandemic compare to other big events that have happened in your lifetime?

KB 12:22
I think for for 9/11. You know, it was awfully young, but I, I just remember the, the unity, the unity of our country. And I thought that was just so amazing. And I feel as if, during these times, especially with everything going on, that the unity has completely dissipated. And it's it just saddens me.

LM 12:51
What can you imagine your life being like in a year?

KB 12:56
I think that there are still going to be social distancing going on. And I would like to think that our leaders will, will understand that this is going to take time to go, to go back to normal. And I think, I think our school leaders need to also understand that I'm sure this entire year, school wise is going to be, going to be much different. So I hope in my life to be like in a year I, I would like to think that they're going to be more, more things opening up that our economy will start to bounce back. But that we're still being careful not to start a resurgence.

LM 13:49
Knowing what you know, now, what do you think that individuals, communities, or governments need to keep in mind for the future?

KB 13:58
I think that they need to keep in mind that, that this is all going to take take time to overcome and that we shouldn't be as naive to think that in two weeks, we can start opening things back up again. That that this progress will take time and we need to be prepared for that.

LM 14:19
Okay, thank you for your time.

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This item was submitted on July 26, 2020 by Lawson Miller using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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