
Is the United States Doing Ok?

Title (Dublin Core)

Is the United States Doing Ok?

Description (Dublin Core)

This meme highlights a feeling that I, and many friends and colleagues, are going through: what the heck is the US doing right now? We seem to have given up on trying to handle coronavirus. While that is bad by itself, at the same time we also seem to be in the middle of a racial reckoning that is directly tied into the pandemic. Questions of healthcare, liberties, and the ability to peacefully gather are all coming to the forefront as the average citizen tries to make sense of this all.
Instagram account @beepbeep.lechooga shared the meme, Joey Dorion took a screenshot
Screenshot of an Instagram meme
#HST, #ASU, #485, #coronavirus, #apocalypse, #perfect, #storm, #racial, #tensions

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This item was submitted on June 21, 2020 by Joey Dorion using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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