
The Virus We’ve Ignored

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The Virus We’ve Ignored

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Kyle Kuzma posted a picture of recent events that said “this virus been around for 400+ years. Still no vaccine”. This talks about how as people have have chosen to ignore the disease that was already among us. We are taught that this nation is supposed to be the example that every other nation must follow. In history we are told that this nation is built on principles and that “ all men are created equal “ and have “ certain unalienable rights ”, but as history teaches us, that was a lie. Time and time again, we have seen riots, protests, violence, uprisings. We have seen people being discriminated against and killed for something they have no control over. How mush more violence do we have to seen in order for there to be change? This isn’t something new. We have seen it before. Slaves revolting against their “ masters ” for rights they should’ve had as human beings. We had a whole war over it. In fact, we don’t even have to go back that far, Martin Luther King Jr., The Black Panther Organization, Malcom X. These are people who have given their lives for the simple equal rights promised when this nation was built. They gave their lives and it still wasn’t enough. 1992, Rodney King was beaten by police officers and it was caught on film and those officers were found not guilty, Latasha Harlins was shot and killed by a store owner and the jury didn’t rejected a harder sentence. Riots destroyed LA, people and businesses died. It took that in order for action to be taken. Protesters riot, loot, and assemble to be heard. There is no rules to protest, there is no right way to protest. That is what a protest is. I am ashamed that it is a constant issue in which the US does not learn from their mistakes. Let’s not repeat history again. That is the point of learning about history, for us to see the mistakes made and grow to be a better society. There doesn’t need to be more death, more violence. It’s time to treat people right. It’s time for change.

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screenshot from Kyle Kuzma’s Instagram

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This item was submitted on May 31, 2020 by Leonardo Villagomez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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