Tokyo Gov Koike - Mitsu des video game
Title (Dublin Core)
Tokyo Gov Koike - Mitsu des video game
Description (Dublin Core)
In April 2020, as the Japanese national government dragged its feet on declaring a state of emergency or taking other strong actions, Gov. Koike Yuriko of Tokyo began holding daily TV appearances in which she encouraged the people of Tokyo to take responsible steps, including closing shops, working from home, allowing your employees to work from home, wearing masks, etc, as well as to avoid "the three Mitsu," meaning places which are crowded, closed-in, and involve close interaction. Someone then made this video game, in which you play as Gov. Koike, going around Tokyo and telling people "Mitsu desu!" ("You're too close!", or more literally, "this is crowding!"), to try to break up crowds.
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