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Collected Item: “Why Aren't Ohio's Grocery Store Workers Eligible Yet for a COVID-19 Vaccine?”

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Why Aren't Ohio's Grocery Store Workers Eligible Yet for a COVID-19 Vaccine?

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News Article

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Despite grocery store workers being essential frontline workers and a part of the CDC's vaccination recommendations, they were not given access to the vaccine in Ohio until it was open to everyone over the age of 16. While Governor DeWine insisted that age was the most important factor in determining vaccination eligibility, he neglected to realize the amount of exposure these essential workers were encountering daily. Also left out of earlier access to vaccines were public transportation workers, food and travel workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, and manufacturing workers. The vaccine is available to any Ohio resident over the age of 16 as of March 29th, but in more populated areas there have been issues with registration and long waits for the first dose. Including more occupations in the rollout of vaccines may not have prevented these issues from happening, but it could have ensured that those enduring more consistent exposure would have an easier time getting the vaccine, as they would not be battling the rest of the population for an appointment.

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vaccine, Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine, service industry, grocery, essential

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Ryan Haidet

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