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Collected Item: “COVID-19 Vaccination Is Free For All Indonesians”

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COVID-19 Vaccination Is Free For All Indonesians

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Text Story

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Straight from the Indonesian COVID-19 website, it was published on December 19, 2020 that citizens would be given the vaccination for free and without any conditions. This goes for people who do and do not have health insurance. Since the vaccines hadn’t arrived yet at the date of publication, they also emphasized and encouraged that everyone should continue taking precautions (i.e. wearing masks, washing hands with soap).
In addition to this publication, Indonesian news source Kompas reported similarly the day prior. President Joko Widodo (through a representative) confirmed that the vaccine would be free for all Indonesian citizens. The Jakarta Post had also confirmed this information.
These articles were personally translated.

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HST 494, Arizona State University, Vaccine, Indonesia

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https://covid19.go.id/edukasi/masyarakat-umum/vaksin-covid-19-gratis-tanpa-syarat & https://www.kompas.com/sains/read/2020/12/18/080000823/vaksin-covid-19-gratis-pemerintah-pastikan-vaksinasi-sesuai-tahapan?page=all & https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/12/21/covid-19-vaccine-how-soon-is-now.html

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COVID-19 Organization (Indonesia), Gloria Setyvani Putri & The Jakarta Post

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