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Collected Item: “Complications in Health and Finances for Indonesians Seeking COVID-19 Vaccinations”

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Complications in Health and Finances for Indonesians Seeking COVID-19 Vaccinations

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Text Story

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It is of common knowledge to Indonesians that insurance is a luxury. This article, digitally published on January 24, 2021, by the Jakarta Post starts by saying that “a third of the population lacks health insurance.” The author goes on to describe the story of a family who had a diabetic relative. Government-funded as well as private medical facilities were not working quickly enough to provide the vaccination for them, and the hospitalization was becoming very costly for them.
Corroborating with the predicament, an article by the Ministry of Health claims that roughly 22% of a total of 598,483 health workers have been vaccinated (as of January 22, 2021). They’ve lost an estimation of 600 health workers thus far, and are trying to rally the support of the citizens to get through the pandemic through vaccination.
This article was personally translated.

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HST 494, Arizona State University, Vaccine, Indonesia

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https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2021/01/24/for-some-patients-covid-19-treatment-strains-both-health-and-finances.html & https://www.kemkes.go.id/article/view/21012300002/vaksinasi-covid-19-bagi-tenaga-kesehatan-capai-132-ribu.html

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Ministry of Health (Indonesia) & Ardila Syakriah

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