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Collected Item: “Covid-19 Beginning”

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Covid-19 Beginning

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My take on what was assumed to be what started Covid-19

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I was browsing the internet one time when quarantine just started, I didn't have much to do since we were supposed to be cooped up in the house all day. I came across a document that stated what was assumed to be the start of the virus. It said that It started in China which was already confirmed, and it started going on about how the virus started when someone ate a bat. I personally thought this was absurd, and didn't put too much thought into it. More people I knew actually believed this assumption was true, I didn't. Flash forward a couple of months and it's August and a new article comes up about how the virus was man-made. This one was actually believe-able. If this was true (I still don't know if it is) I would be pretty upset. 2020 kind of ruined everything it could. Let's hope that they're wrong and that the virus wasn't man-made.

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