
Not Enough Time in the Day

Título (Dublin Core)

Not Enough Time in the Day

Description (Dublin Core)

I am currently under the impression that there is not enough time in the day...or the week for that matter. School is in full swing both for me as a teacher and a student. After working a 9 hour day in my classroom teaching students online I come home and set up the wild setup pictured above. My large desktop computer is used primarily for grad school; to watch lectures, write papers, and send personal emails. The laptop on the left is my school computer and used to do tasks for my job such as lesson planning, distributing assignments, or as is the case tonight field the emails from the district and parents as the decision was just made to move into a hybrid in 10 days. The iPad on the right is my catch all notepad. I've started using Microsoft OneNote as a digital planner, note catcher, and meal planner. I thought that after this spring I would be so sick of technology that I would feel compelled to move to paper. However, as time has gone on I realized that this isn't coming to an end. This could very well be our new normal and it's time to embrace the change rather than dwelling in the sadness of what used to be. As I write this I am also running through an email I am going to send to my team of teachers tomorrow. A less appropriate thing to include in a school email is the line that continues to flow through my brain, "it's time to do the damn thing." We. Can. Do. This. This is not the time to feel sorry for teachers everywhere or to wallow in our never ending to do lists. Instead it's the time to prepare to SHOW UP for our students who haven't been in a classroom for 6 months. The kids don't care about content. They care about contact. We'll show up. We'll be there. We'll do the damn thing.

Date (Dublin Core)

September 9, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Morgan Keena

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Tipo (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--K12
English Education--Universities
English Labor
English Technology

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

distance learning

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

distance learning

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A paper heart that is taped to the inside of a front door that says: Wash UR HANDS PLS"I prefer my Corona in a bottle." Link Image

This item was submitted on September 9, 2020 by Morgan Keena using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”: http://mail.covid-19archive.org/s/archive

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