
COVID-19 Reveals Racial Inequities In U.S. Healthcare System: Strategies For Solutions

Título (Dublin Core)

COVID-19 Reveals Racial Inequities In U.S. Healthcare System: Strategies For Solutions

Description (Dublin Core)

Americans of African descent are contracting and dying from COVID-19 at a higher rate than other racial and ethnic groups in the United States due to healthcare inequalities.

Date (Dublin Core)

April 12, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Janice Gassam

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Cody Brown

Tipo (Dublin Core)


Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Healthcare
English Race & Ethnicity
English Politics
English Social Issues
English Government Federal

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

racial inequality
United States

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Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


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This item was submitted on May 29, 2020 by Cody Brown using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”: http://mail.covid-19archive.org/s/archive

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