
Basic in the Pandemic

Title (Dublin Core)

Basic in the Pandemic

Description (Dublin Core)

An account of military personnel who caught COVID, the alienation and isolation felt, and their experience during training.
Interviewer Specialist Ariel Young-Ziegler,
Intervewee Private First Class Stehlin,
Collected by Preston Long 03/25/2022

"It wasn’t really anything huge. They took out hand to hand combat and some of the medical training, really anything that involved physical contact we either went over it briefly or didn’t do it at all. The drill sgts couldn’t get in your face they had to be six feet away. The COVID bay sucked, it wasn’t even really a quarantine, they packed everyone into small rooms. Once we finished quarantine we were given green beads so everyone knew we had COVID, some people looked at us like we were zombies or something. We had to wear masks all the time, sometimes during PT as well, we were all spaced out when eating too. In Advanced Individual Training AIT, it’s separate from basic since those places are where we learn our jobs not just soldiering skills where normally its up to 4 people to a room, then there were 2 people to a room. Some people got their own rooms, they never let us off base or even around base that much.”

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