
Repetition of Plagues

Title (Dublin Core)

Repetition of Plagues

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Description (Dublin Core)

HIST30060 - submitted as part of a history assessment. Many of the memes, like this one, comment on the cyclical nature of history and the inescapability of the repetition of disasters. By drawing attention to other plagues of the past - all of which occurred during the 20s of their respective centuries - the image preempts the current ‘plague’ or pandemic. The accompanying image taken from the 2014 film ‘Big Hero 6’ and the comment ‘I have some concerns’ (an understatement to say the least) add an amusing note to the alarming message. Much of the humour found in these memes and images contained words ‘read’ in a deadpan or resigned tone - or otherwise the voice of one who is no longer surprised by the current turn of events. Again, there is a resounding feeling that this year has been a strain as one disaster after another occurs.

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Meme (found on Pinterest)

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This item was submitted on November 10, 2020 by Emily Shallcross using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

Click here to view the collected data.

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